18 anos ajudando empresas
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Sobre Elementor
Crie landing pages profissionais ilimitadas e gere mais tráfego, leads e conversões com o Elementor, um construtor de landing page WordPress gratuito.
It's theme builder has every thing which is required to build website. It has amazing integration with Advance Custom Field and Jet Engine.
I still lose part of the time to align the sections with the other elements. But this is more a problem of user experience than of the tool.
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Great Design Software but Customer Service is a Drag!
Minha experiência com criação de sites mudou totalmente com o Elementor
O que mais me surpreendeu no Elementor foi, sem dúvida, a sua capacidade de tornar o design acessível e prático. Sabe, antes do Elementor, a ideia de montar um site do zero parecia muito difícil, cheia de códigos complicados e design que eu simplesmente não conseguia pegar e ajustar. Mas com o Elementor, tudo mudou. De repente, eu estava criando páginas que não só funcionavam bem, mas também tinham uma aparência incrível. E o mais surpreendente? Eu estava me divertindo no processo. A facilidade de arrastar e soltar elementos, combinada com a pré-visualização em tempo real, transformou o que antes era um trabalho árduo em uma experiência prazerosa e criativa. Isso, para mim, foi uma verdadeira mudança.
Não houve nada no Elementor que eu não tenha gostado.
Construir webpage antes e depois do elementor
Comentários: Após usar o elementor construir qualquer tipo de página web ficou muito fácil e rápido, economizando tempo, e tempo é dinheiro.
Toda a facilidade para construir qualquer tipo de webpage do zero.
Mudanças recentes que deixaram o plano básico com menos recursos.
Fez com que os meus projetos ficassem cada vez melhores
Na minha empresa, como prestamos serviços de criação de websites e landing pages, o Elementor foi um divisor de águas, antigamente utilizamos plataformas e ferramentas que possuiam pouca flexibilidade, então os sites ficavam sempre muito parecido com o dos concorrentes. Mas depois que descobrimos o Elementor, vimos o quão flexível ele é, é muito fácil de usar, de integrar com outros plugins, etc.
Há muitos recursos interessantes que estão disponíveis apenas na versão PRO.
Uma excelente ferramenta com fácil uso, mesmo pessoas que não entendem conseguem usar facilmente
Comentários: Em geral, o Elementor é uma excelente ferramenta de criação de sites, mas é importante lembrar que ele tem alguns pontos negativos que podem afetar sua experiência com a ferramenta, como a complexidade de edição em alguns pontos como arrastar ou modificar alguns icones, e também a limitação do site, ele é um plugin pesado. fora esses citados, não tenho mais críticas a essa ferramenta (plugin)
A facilidade com que você consegue manusear a ferramenta e seus recursos são de extrema facilidadeElementor é um dos melhores Plugin do wordpress, Até mesmo pessoas mais leigas conseguem usar a ferramenta, além da grande quantidade de recursos que ela tem para editar o site.
Embora o Elementor tenha muitos benefícios, também existem alguns pontos negativos a serem considerados. por exemplo: ele adiciona peso adicional ao seu site, o que pode torná-lo mais lento se você não gerenciar adequadamente o desempenho do seu site.além de ter ferramentas com alta complexidade de uso.
Achei um pouco caro a opção pro
O design é legal e a proposta que eles dão é boa
design do site é bem legal porém achei um pouco difícil e meio caro pelo fato da opção paga tem muito mais opções a gratuita não tem quase nada mas pra quem não tem vale a experiência
Elementor nos facilitou a vida e as estratégias on line
Comentários: O Elementor facilitou a nossa criatividade no momento de construção de nossos sites
A praticidade de utilizar e adaptar nossos sites quando necessário
Nem sempre os plugins acompanham as atualizações do Elementor
Mehlor plataforma para criação de sites
Melhor plataforma para desenvolivmento de sites por ser facil e rapido de usar.
Sem dificuldades em usar esta ferramenta com o wordpress.
Ótimo custo-benefício
Comentários: De forma geral minha experiencia foi muito boa, ainda utilizo e acho que vale muito a pena.
Não sou programador, porém me aventurei em usar o Elementor. Achei muito bom para quem é iniciante ou intermediário. Fácil de mexer, simpels de entender e qualquer pessoa pode começar a usar.
Algumas ferramentas específicas são um pouco mais complexas de usar, mas nada que alguns vídeos ensinando não resolva. Ainda sim compensa muito.
Uma revolução
Comentários: Até o momento, só tive experiências positivas com o plugin e inclusive indico que utilizem.
Trabalho com sites a muito tempo e nunca vi um plugin tão completo e fácil de trabalhar como o Elementor. Um site que eu levava pelo menos 1 dia para criar, eu faço em 1 hora atualmente! Gosto muito dos recursos de edição, pois, são muito práticos e o fato de poder ver o que acontece em tempo real, reduz muito o tempo de produção. Para mim que trabalhei com editores antigos que necessitavam de compilação, programação e muito trabalho, o Elementor é uma revolução na construção de sites atualmente
Sem impressões negativas até o momento. Não tenho um feedback ruim
Uma ótima ajuda na criação de sites e/ou blog
Não tenho nenhuma observação a fazer em relação à ferramenta.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Perfect for Beginner and Advanced Website Deisgners!
As a beginner of website design, using Elementor was the perfect choice for me. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and many customization options made it easy for me to create a professional and engaging website without needing to spend hours learning code. The pre-designed templates saved me time, and its responsive design ensures my site looks great on any device. Elementor's blogging tools help me to create and share my blogposts, while making sure any visitors to my site have a great user experience. The cost-effectiveness and amazing customer support further make Elementor an invaluable asset for my business.
Honestly, it's challenging to find cons for Elementor since using it was straightforward and quickly resulted in a professional-looking website. However, one issue I found was the inconsistency in resizing images; ensuring that three images in a row were the same size sometimes required finding new images, which was frustrating. Additionally, while Elementor is easy to learn, mastering it takes time. The first version of your website may need a lot of tweaking as you become more familiar with the software, as some customization features can feel a bit unintuitive at first.
Elementor website builder
Comentários: I have been able to quickly finish website projects using elementor because it's easy to use.
It offers drag and drop option which makes it easy to quickly design a website in a few minutes.
Most of it's design options are not available in the free edition.
Easy and fast, but still better for pros
Comentários: I've worked and built myself websites with a lot of different site builders, Elementor is by far the fastest one and the one that causes less troubles even tho is not immune to bugs.
Easy for non dev-people to set up websites
Fixing errors is not easy for non-dev people defeating the purpose of being a platform for everyone.
Comentários: Purchased an image optimizer plan which was basically implied that it was needed, to operate with the standard Elementor plugin which we already pay for. We use this to design our Wordpress website which the Elementor Plugin is very buggy in that regard. The FREE image optimizer offers up to 5,000 images to be optimized which we have. The plugin stated we had exceeded our quota, so we elected to upgrade for a 5,000+ photo plan for $50. Plugin wouldn't work and still stated we were over quota. Something seemed skechy, but okay. We went ahead and purchased the next package which is the 20,000 photo plan for another $50. Again, wouldn't work. Contacted technical support after going round and round with their Auto BOT for about 10 minutes. Guess it just wanted to refuse me in speaking with someone? Think that was intentional but moving forward...finally spoke to someone and they said they would take a look and to download their "Temporary Login" plugin. Did that, granted them access, and they said they couldn't get into our site and to reset it and then grant access again. Did that and they still couldn't get in. At this time we've got about an hour invested in this crap show and said just cancel our subscription plan and provide a refund. All of our images are already optimized using the WebP extension. "Oh, we're sorry but our products are non-refundable!" Okay, I'll call my bank to dispute the charges for a product that failed to work for me and I'll go ahead and also leave you 1-star reviews everywhere I can, to advise others of your shady business practice. That threat didn't seem to change their tune so here I am. REVIEW LEFT AND FUNDS ARE NOW BACK IN MY ACCOUNT AFTER CALLING MY FINANCIAL INSTITUTION AND TELLING THEM OF THEIR BUSINESS PRACTICES! SHAME ON YOU! You can do better!
Kind of hard to list this when the customer service experience was so HORRID!
It's extremely buggy. It does not play nicely with other plugins.
Elementor Experience
Comentários: I love how easy it is to build client website with almost no code at all.
It’s ease to use and ability to teach my students with so less stress. Also work on my clients project is a breeze.
I don’t like that I must need some extra plugins while making an advanced e-commerce website.
One of the best Wordpress plugins you’ll ever find
Intuitive plug and play functionality. Super user friendly.
At the time I was looking for a free solution and elementor had some of the key functions as paid. Now I don’t see it a con though.
Elementor good for me.
Comentários: I can't edit my website without it, so Its a need for my site.
I can edit my blog post the way i like and add all the colors that matches my website.
Its a bet slow when loading and when I'm using pre paid data, it seems to use more of it, so its a bit heavy.
Elementor - easy build
Comentários: Elementor is an important player in drag and drop website builders, is offers many useful features and plugins compatibilities for SEO and speed optimization.
The most I like is the drag and drop feature, it let build the design of the website after my needs without any coding knowledge. Furthermore temples offered by Elementor can give you a good start on the design. Another feature worth mentioning is the possibility to add plugins that enhance functionalities and add more widgets that can help.
There are limited design options for the free version.
Jam packed with features
Comentários: My journey with Elementor has been great! Initially very slow but it was easy enough to research certain features to use it to its full capability. There are lots of online tutorials they have done to ensure you can use it to the fullest.
So many widgets to use! So many option for customisation of the widgets. Easy to use on pro version.
It was overwhelming in terms of what the widgets all did and how to use them. But after lots of research I have a better handle on it.
Elementor Pro User
Comentários: Brilliant, been using for many years and wouldn't want to change.
It is so flexible and a very interactive software
It takes a little training to get good and a lot of training to really make use of its features
Amazing to use with Wordpress
Comentários: Elementor is a great Wordpress companion, very easy to use, you can easily start from scratch by drag and drop elements. You have many plugins available such as Templately, Elements kit, Essential Addons that give you more design options for free. I highly recommend it on Wordpress or as a standalone web builder.
- Easy drag and drop approach to editing makes it very easy to use. - A wide variety of plugins available - Help you compensate a lack of skill and save time if you are not proficient with HTML or CSS. - Great to edit templates as it does not break pages like other editors might.
- Wish the pricing for the paid version was more affordable. - Additional plugins might be required and it is not always a good thing to add more plugins to Wordpress.
Elementor - powerful drag and drop builder
Comentários: A comprehensive WordPress builder, very versatile and customizable. Elementor uses the newest design techniques witch make it fast loading with modern designs.
Is easy to setup and use. It has many useful features and blocks for a modern and good looking website witch can be easily used and arranged. It is compatible with many useful SEO and speed optimization plugins and is always up to date when it comes to security. It has many already build templates witch can help you with the design if you don't want to start from scratch.
There are no things I can say I like less.
Robusta Wix Alternative: Elementor
Comentários: Real-time website design and landing pages development.
With Elementor, I am able to create and design websites at ease via WYSIWYG and drag and drop functionality.
There is no issue that I encounter on my end at all when designing websites and landing pages with Elementor.
Easy to use once you get used to it
Comentários: It did the job as needed but wouldn't recommend it to others after switching to Shopify.
I like that Elementor is both a WYSIWYG software as well as that I can still use the traditional form of designing a website on Wordpress.
It's a little clunky to me as all Wordpress applications are. Because of this I migrated to Shopify.
Consider my Experience when Evaluating Elementor
No coding is required to create landing pages with Elementor. It enables me to manage our brand content in one single repository.
It is quite pricey to acquire some products such as domain registration.