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Sobre Skyward Student Management Suite
Envolva alunos e pais dos ensinos fundamental e médio com ferramentas aprimoradas de automação de comunicação e administração.
It is a more reasonably priced option than the bigger players like Campus or PowerSchool. It is still better than JMC (which is sad).
We are a google school and there is supposed to be a way to get GoogleClassroom grades in Skyward, but no teacher as been able to make it work yet.
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Excellent Education Management Tool

Awesome tool for teachers, students and parents
Comentários: Up-to-date information about my child's progress in school, missing assignments, grades on tests and projects. Especially my for high school student, this info can be hard to get from them and so many times you do not know about issues until it is too late. I open Skyward every night at the dinner table and we talk about grades, upcoming exams and papers. She knows I am looking and it helps her to stay on task.
There are so many functions in one place. Check grades, missing assignments, email teachers, lunch calendar, etc. Multiple children in a family can be easily accessed together.
When emailing a parent/teacher, they cannot respond back directly. I wish they could. It would make the line of communication more direct. But, at least they can read the message and respond back by another means.
Resposta do Skyward
há 7 anos
Thanks so much for the kind words, Leslie! Regarding the con, there is an option in the message center to enable direct replies. You may want to talk to your Skyward administrator about turning that on if it would be beneficial.

So much potential!
Comentários: I use skyward as an Assistant Principal at a High School. I am constantly looking up where students are to pull them. Constantly looking at there grade, attendance and contact information.
-You can input almost anything into a student's profile and easily find what you are looking for. -You can run numerous reports on anything. However, you have to know exactly what you want and how to do it. You will have to get training or read up on it. -Easy for parents and students to view on your phone. -Numerous options for attendance. Absent, Tardy, walked out, didn't come back from lunch, skipped, truant, doctor, excused, and about 20 more. The only one it doesn't have is absent because more than 15 minutes late.
-There is no easy way to print student grades, schedules and absences. It's not hard, but it's a lot of steps. Find the schedule, print the schedule to PDF, open the PDF, and then finally print the PDF. Attendance and grades are exported to excel and then you have to change the format to print on one page. Like I said, it's not hard, but why can't you just hit print. -When searching for a student with a common name, sometimes the system doesn't show all of them. -It does not tell you a student's current grade. It will show you T1, T2 and S1. T1 and T2 are the progress reports and S1 is the semester average, but it doesn't show the most current.
Resposta do Skyward
há 5 anos
Thanks for your feedback Brian. Getting input from our users is a priority at Skyward and we invite you to join our User Research Panel by visiting the Support area of our website.
Waste of time and effort
Comentários: Horrible
Nothing at all do I like about Skyward.
Very difficult to use and a waste of time and energy
Resposta do Skyward
ano passado
We’re sorry to hear you are not enjoying Skyward. Many people find using our resources, like the Employee Access and Family Access Toolkits, to be a helpful way to learn the system and get more value from it.

There isn't anything that I don't like about this software. It is the best thing that they have created.
Resposta do Skyward
há 5 anos
Thank you so much for the great comments Whitney. We're so glad that you are enjoying a positive experience with Skyward's Family Access.

Generally good software to manage student information.
It has a comprehensive set of features that allow student management. From the teacher side the data is fairly easy to view and input of the gradebook and attendance is relatively easy.
It is somewhat difficult to learn. There are many variables that can confuse teachers in creating gradebooks and in accessing information. The reports are not particularly intuitive to use.
Resposta do Skyward
há 7 anos
Thanks for the kind words, Chad! If you ever find yourself helping new teachers learn the system, we have some resources available at https://www.skyward.com/support/quick-hits/teacher and https://www.skyward.com/teachers.

Easy to use and find information
This product is so easy to use once you get the hang of it! It's a great way to keep all of your students information in one place. You can take lunch count, keep account balances, and more. It's great to have all the information in one place.
It's confusing to navigate when you first get started. Once you get the hang of it it gets easy.

Skyward has improved a lot
Comentários: My overall experience with Skyward is positive. It is a useful tool once you learn it, which might take some effort though.
This is a really versatile program and great for storing all your data. Ilike how you can easily convert the data into Excel. I used to work in a school and would use Skyward. Once you understand how and where the information is stored, you can easily navigate through everything.
It is not the most intuitive program when it comes to finding information. There are a lot of tabs and categories and it might take a while to find the information your are looking for. It still has room for improving the flow of things.

Use product
Comentários: Its a great product just needs some bugs worked out.
The ability to track my kids school records and grades and absences and the ability to contact a teacher anytime.
Sometimes the websites are down. Sometimes they had issues with updating the grades but other than that it works great.

This software offers so many functions in one place.
It is possible choose how I want my screen to look and can choose the information presented. Additionally, It can access pertinent school information.
This software is possible to use as a student information system and also be used for finances and food service.
Resposta do Skyward
há 7 anos
Thanks for the kind words, Isabel!

Skyward: necessary but not exciting
Skyward does its job: it allows us to record absences from employment and then redirects us to a website for assigning subs.
I wish that assigning and requesting subs was integrated into Skyward, because having the two sites allows for so much redundancy.
Boundless areas to go through
Many different areas to get to something looking for as in reports or registration.
Integration want a seamless as proffered but change takes time
Resposta do Skyward
ano passado
Thank you for your review Savannah. We hope you have a great 2023-24 school year.
One stop shop for your student educational needs
Comentários: The best feature to me is that everything is in one place! Having multiple systems to manage makes data tracking much more difficult. One system, Skyward, allows our district the ability to have our student data more readily available.
I have been using Skyward Student Information System for the past 25 years. We have slowly added other features to our portfolio. The Student Services system has worked well for assistance with IEPs for our special education students. Having the ability to track information for due dates, form status, etc. has been wonderful. The ability to have it tied to the student database is terrific because if a family moves, the addresses are automatically reflected in the special education areas. We have use the Enrollment feature for the past 5 years now and it has saved countless hours for staff by allowing them to verify information, instead of having to decipher information and enter it into the system. Parents are able to enroll at any time of the day because it is completed through our website, and doesn't require the family having to find the time to come to the school to enroll. Food Service allows a wanding message to be added for those that have allergies or other health issues, which assists the workers when the students come through the line. With Fee Management and Food Service, parents are able to pay fees or add money to their food service account through Family Access. There are many great features about this product and we are very pleased with the product.
The 504 Accommodation Plan area is a little cumbersome and doesn't flow quite as nicely as the special education model does, but there are not as clear cut state requirements so product development does not work the same.
Resposta do Skyward
há 3 anos
Thanks for the positive review Barb, and for being such a strong advocate for Skyward. We love hearing from all of our customers, but it's especially great when comments come from long-time customers like you!
Using Skyward as both a teacher and a parent
It is self-explanatory in most cases. I can figure out on my own how to create a report, post a grade........
It is date driven. So if school is canceled, IT has to change the dates in the programming.
Resposta do Skyward
há 3 anos
Thanks for your feedback Mary. It's always great to hear from Skyward users that are both educators and parents. We hope the rest of your school year goes well and enjoy your summer.
Skyward review
Comentários: This is my district's 7th year using Skyward. I am the counseling secretary in our high school and work in Student Management. I am also a security manager for our district. Honestly, when we made the transition to Skyward I was very unhappy. I didn't find Skyward to be very user friendly and I wasn't pleased with the customer support response time. Oftentimes I was unable to find a way to make Skyward do what I needed. However, as the years have passed, Skyward has made improvements to the program, I have learned the system better and the customer support live chat option is a huge timesaver. Now, I really enjoy using Skyward. I have the dubious distinction of being our district's "Skyward guru" and I believe I've learned a lot through exploration in my efforts to assist others. When I can't find answers, I know that help is only a live chat away! I would definitely recommend Skyward to other districts.
Possibly my favorite aspect of Skyward is the ability to dump data directly into Excel. This is a huge timesaver and allows me to manipulate, sort, share and utilize data as needed. I also like the ability to create reports based on my needs using Data Mining.
There are still a few things that I wish I could do in Skyward, that I can't, such as use activity groups to run certain reports/schedules. Occasionally, we experience what I call "Skyward quirks" when something doesn't work right one day, but it works the next. Recently, our library parapro ran a report and new that the info displayed wasn't wholly accurate. I checked her format and everything was good. I printed it with the same results. I cloned the report, changing nothing, and ran that and it was accurate. The next day her report worked properly again.
Resposta do Skyward
há 8 anos
So glad we were able to grow together, Teresa, and turn a negative experience into such a positive one. Thank you for all you do to help your district get more out of Skyward.
Easy to track students' grades
Comentários: Skyward makes it very easy for parents to oversee their children's attendance and grades, access their schedules, receive announcements from the school, etc. It's a wonderful portal that helps parents to monitor their kids' education and take proactive steps to stay involved.
Skyward makes it easy for parents to track their kids' attendance and grades. This has been especially important during the pandemic because the kids have been learning from home for more than a year. When my stepdaughter started slacking off and not logging in to her synchronous classes, we found out very quickly by tracking her attendance through Skyward. This allowed us to address the issue right away, before she missed tons of class and fell really far behind. Similarly, it is easy to see the kids' grades. I know right away if assignments are missing, if they turn in incomplete work, or if they don't do well on a project/test/homework. That way, we can work with them to improve their grades right away rather than waiting until they've fallen so far behind that they can't bring their grades up.
It isn't always intuitive to use. When you click on "Gradebook," you get an error message that says "Not available when viewing all students." The first time I logged in, I had a hard time figuring out how to view the kids' grades. The menu to select a specific student is hidden at the top of the screen, whereas all the other menus are on the left. It took me forever to find it. Once you figure it out, it's easy -- but the first time, I struggled when trying to access grades.
Resposta do Skyward
há 4 anos
Thank you for your feedback on how Skyward is helping you navigate your stepdaughter's academic progress throughout the pandemic.
Skyward Review
Comentários: My overall experience with Skyward has been positive. It is a great tool to enter the students's grades. It is also an easy form to communicate with mass amounts of students and their parents (group emails, etc.). Also the academic feedback it provides is very helpful.
I love the ease in being able to create categories and assignments with this software.
There are some glitches in the software. For example, in regards to attendance, it is hard for us teachers to adjust the attendance after they have been entered as absent in first period, but they show up later in third period. If they are at school during second period, but are "tardy" to third period, I can't enter their tardy to that particular period because initially they were counted as absent by their first period teacher. This can be problematic at times. The only person at our school that can adjust this would be the secretary. Although this does not happen often, it is a glitch that should be looked into.
Resposta do Skyward
há 4 anos
Thanks for the review William. So good to see Skyward is helping to make your life easier. I'll be sure to pass along your comment regarding attendance to our product management team.
for K12 Skyward is what you want
Comentários: It's the best software i have ever used that does it all
it does everything in one location. you can't go wrong
payroll deals in percentages not dollars and that can be a challenge sometimes but nothing that can't be handled
Resposta do Skyward
há 3 anos
Thanks Victoria. We love a review that gets straight to the point. Hope your school year is going great.
Skyward-Great for Grades and Absences
I like the quick score button on this software. When you click it, it opens up the grade sheet for every assignment in that class. This makes it easier to grade multiple assignments and update them easily and in a timely manner. If I didn't have this tool/button, it would take much longer for me to update grades.
I wish that I could see the entire title of each assignment when looking at my class for my grades. Currently, I can see the beginning of the assignment title and the total amount of points it is worth. For example, if the title of my assignment is Science World News Page 5, it may show up on the grade sheet as simply Sci W. This is to save space, but I would rather it shows the entire name. I have some assignments that have the same name, but specify parts by stating page numbers. This would make it easier for me to grade.
Resposta do Skyward
há 5 anos
Thank you so much for sharing your comments Sarah. It's always great to hear from teachers about the ways Skyward saves time and makes your life a little easier.
Long-Time User
Comentários: I have used Skyward for many years, so I have seen it evolve. I will tell you this; you get what you pay for. Skyward is top-of-the-line! It will not always be the least expensive software, but it is more than worth the cost!! The software definitely helps customers work smarter not harder. With many of us wearing different hats, we need to find all of the time-saving opportunities we can; Skyward makes that happen! Skyward has many ways to get to the same information, so the ease of use is really in the end-user's hands. There is a plethora of shortcuts that Skyward has provided for the end-user, so no need to get bogged down trying to find programs/areas. Their Customer Service is top-notch. I have never had an issue that was not solved in a timely manner. They are wonderful! I could go on and on where Skyward is concerned. I not only love the software, but I like that the fact that Cliff King and the entire company has a focus on nothing but schools. They are truly concerned about the customer feedback, and they use that to make the software better (although I think it's pretty close to perfect now)!
The flexibility and multiple ways to achieve the end results we are looking for.
Resposta do Skyward
há 8 anos
Thanks so much for the kind words, Jacque, and congratulations on your well-deserved recognition as a Leader in Excellence for 2017!
Student Review
Very easy to use for students and teachers. I love how as a student I am able to see every single detail about my grades and what is submitted and what did not get submitted.
Through my use of Skyward for high school, I have loved it!
Resposta do Skyward
há 2 anos
Thanks for the review Heta. We're so glad you find Skyward easy to use.
Easy for teachers to use!
Comentários: I have used Skyward for both student management and employee access for personal work data. It makes day today task easier and I like having access to important information when needed.
I like how Skyward makes everyday tasks like taking attendance easy or checking attendance history. I also like the availability to gather student information from their profiles when needed.
I don’t like how the app version doesn’t allow you to view detailed information like the computer software does. I wish the two mirrored each other better.
Resposta do Skyward
há 5 anos
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us Krista. We take great pride in the role users play in the evolution of our products. If you haven't done so already, I urge you to consider signing up for our User Research Panel which you can access from the Support area of our website.
Ease of Skyward
Course management and scheduling are very straight forward, making it easy to adjust class sizes & sections
While the student profiles are thorough, the number of inputs & options tend to get tedious.
Resposta do Skyward
há 2 anos
Thanks so much for your review, Annie. We always love getting feedback from our customers containing the words "easy" and "straightforward."
Great Product
Comentários: I love this product and use it daily for attendance and gradebook. I also use it to email progress reports and communicate with parents.
I love all the different reports and features that Skyward has. It takes much of the work off of teachers.
It is not very user friendly. Due to the fact that there are so many features, it is difficult to maneuver through everything to find what you need. Basic training is very helpful.
Resposta do Skyward
há 4 anos
We appreciate your comments Cassandra. Making tasks easier for teachers and office staff is what we are all about. Keeping our software user-friendly while making sure it has all the features educators need is something we take very seriously. We invite you to join our User Research Panel so you can share your thoughts and ideas with our UX team. Thanks again.
Comentários: Overall, when my children graduate, I will have a hard time adjusting to not using it anymore. It has kept me on top of their education and I will recommend that all parents who have access please use it.
I love everything about Skyward. My school district has everything linked and when teachers use it to its full potential it is helpful to a parent that has multiple students to check on and communicate updates about. It has been the one thing that has kept me in contact with teachers over the years of using it.
There are few if any things I do not like about the software. I appreciate that it can be easily navigated.
Resposta do Skyward
há 5 anos
Thanks for the kind words Kolby. It's always great to hear directly from parents who use Skyward.
I used it to check my grades on a daily basis.
I like that it was easy to use and easy to read. You know what you are looking at and how to navigate around it.
I don't like that it's browser based. I don't like to rely on browsers to read info. I'd rather have software.