18 anos ajudando empresas
a escolher o melhor software
Conheça Guru
O Guru é uma solução de gestão de conhecimento que capacita as equipes com o conhecimento necessário para realizar seus trabalhos, quando e onde precisam. Por meio de integrações com o Google Chrome, Slack e muito mais, o Guru traz a gestão de conhecimento diretamente para os fluxos de trabalho, eliminando a alternância de contexto e as distrações anteriormente necessárias para localizar conhecimentos importantes. O Guru facilita para os especialistas documentar e democratizar as informações, reduzindo os "tapinhas no ombro" e mantendo toda a equipe focada e produtiva.
Quem usa Guru?
Principalmente empresas de software como serviço (SaaS na sigla em inglês), mas agências e empresas educacionais também demonstraram interesse. A empresa trabalha bem em setores onde o conhecimento da empresa muda constantemente.
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Avaliações do Guru

the more you put in the more you get out!
Uso diário
A navegação e visual do site é bom para o entendimento no dia a dia.
O sistema é alimentado e personalizado e caso não tenha pessoas voltadas somente a isso, fica sem atualizações.
Bom e fácil
Comentários: Site é fácil de usar, intuitivo e completo.
Facilidade de usar a ferramenta, uma página sempre leva a outra com mais informação!
Poucos themas de cores para escolher, como escuro e colorido.
Resenha sobre o software de produtividade Guru
Comentários: O guru é um potencializador em meu dia a dia, estou muito satisfeito com esse programa, ele se tornou indispensável em minha rotina de trabalho.
O guru é um programa que tem versatilidades importantes para um empreendedor como eu, gosto muito da gestão de conteudo, tarefas e conhecimento que esse programa me proporciona.
Gostaria que no guru tivesse IA. Seria muito interessante.
Resposta do Guru
ano passado
Thank you for reviewing Guru! I wanted to highlight some of our most powerful AI capabilities, specifically Answers. Answers allows you to ask any question and Guru will search through your connected apps, documents, and Guru cards to provide you with an answer—instantly. For a quick overview of our AI features, including Answers, please check out this short video demo: https://www.getguru.com/demo You can also read more details about how Answers works here: https://www.getguru.com/features/answers
Avaliação do Guru
Comentários: Eu estou muito satisfeito com o Guru e continuarei usando como minha fonte de informações.
Achei muito bom e com muita facilidade, encontrar respostas para minhas perguntas. A plataforma é extremamente intuitiva e as informações são apresentadas de maneira organizada, facilitando a busca por conhecimento.
Até o momento não existe nada de negativo para apontar.
Avaliando o Guru
Comentários: O Guru é uma ferramenta incrível que me ajuda a aprender e evoluir de forma contínua.
O Guru tem uma plataforma fácil de usar, com navegação intuitiva. O conteúdo dos especialistas é de alta qualidade e útil para aprofundar conhecimentos em várias áreas. A interação com outros usuários nos fóruns e chats é vantajosa para trocar experiências e aprendizados.
O que menos gostei no Guru foi a falta de opções de personalização do perfil.
Avaliando o Guru - Ferramenta de gestão
Comentários: Minha experiência tem sido excelente, o guru me ajuda demais a aprender.
O guru tem um nome bem sugestivo, e é o que essa ferramenta faz, auxilia e tira muitas dúvidas, além de uma ferramenta de conhecimento ajuda no trabalho também.
Gostaria de ter mais funcionalidades e integração de I.A.
Avaliando o Guru
Comentários: Tenho uma excelente experiência com o guru.
O guru me ajuda a obter conhecimento de forma rápida e bem direta, o programa é facil de usar e bem intuitivo.
Não tenho nada para pontuar negativamente.
Analisando o guru software
Comentários: O guru tem me funcionado muito bem, é de suma importância em meu dia a dia. Estou satisfeita com ele.
O guru é um software muito legal, ajuda bastante com dúvidas do dia a dia, o que me proporciona uma produtividade melhor.
O guru é um programa que merece uma interface mais moderna.

Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Guru = Our Trusted Source
Comentários: I'd buy Guru again if I were starting an internal knowlkedge base all over again. In a heartbeat.
Guru is our support and success team’s Internal Knowledge Base (or ‘IKB’ for short). This tool replaces Notion as our internal support process and how-to Wiki for our team and serves as a trusted source for the support team’s centralized collective knowledge. The adoption of the tool and its extensibility were critical to us, and thus far, we're pleased. Another pro: Ease of implementation and use - It can't be stressed enough how easy this was to configure and deploy.
I'd really like to see a more robust bidirectional integration with Notion, similar to how well Guru works with Zendesk's Help Center. We'd like to have discrete cards that pull in Notion pages and stay in sync with those pages. That said, Guru does allow for bulk import of Notion content.
The Gure that wants more Guru
Comentários: as i mentioned 9 out 0f 10, very dynamic and easy to search for material
Its more efficient to provide new trainees with Cards instead of providing extensive and present trainings
the lack of a tool to allow to send shouts to a shared inbox

Great for when your team is small
Comentários: Guru was a great place for our team to start their knowledge base. However, as the content in our Guru grew, it was difficult to find and update information in our Guru.
Simple notes Can be accessed anywhere with their Chrome extension Supported rich notes (html, images)
Lack of organization Very opinionated (you have to think like Guru's team to really utilize their product) Difficult to maintain as the amount of content in your Guru expands Awful searching
Guru is the best
Comentários: I would say the experience I’ve got with Guru for the past 3 years is that 10 out of 10 because it is really good. Guru is the best information teller for me, it is like a teacher that will answer all of your question, you just have to type the key word and viola, it’s there.
I like about guru is that they can give you accurate information and this can be edited. Guru is very user friendly and easy to access. You can see the daily updates that they are providing for each information and topics. I really love using Guru. Guru is like a teacher to us.
I think the least I like about Guru is that they have all the information you are looking for, it’s just everything is there, you don’t have to look for an answer anywhere, just look for it on Guru and you will have it. I think there is no way I wouldn’t like guru.
It's a great source material app for consulting
Comentários: I've been working with GURU for the last 3 years or more. It has been a helpful source knoledge materials. You can select many cards at the same and spread and not check one-by-one, you can grouo them, you can favorite, and the search option is very effiecient.
- It's easy to find the cards - Easy to managem them - Easy to operate
Maybe more personalization because it has no way to give your own touch to the experience. But that's just me. Eveyrhting I need is there so I don't have no critics regarding this.
Guru making work easier
I can say that’s it’s really helpful most of the time. Aside that its easy to navigate
It also helps us to make works easier.
The user interface is really easy to ise and along with that is you can also check the accurate information form guru.
Other articles aren’t updated yet leading us that sometimes we still have to double check it with other articles and it will be time consuming.
Thanks to Guru
Comentários: my Overall experience with Guru is two thumbs up
what I like the most using Guru is the internal guidance to execute a process flawlessly related to solve a situation.
Having multiple Complex links to navigate.
Great Knowledge Management Systen
Love how user-friendly and intuitive the platform is. Easy to create, publish, and share out cards. I am in-platform every single day.
Don't love the folder hierarchy/structure - it can seem very clunky at times and is not very visually appealing.
All in one knowledge
Comentários: Guru assists us in simplifying our email communication and enhancing our time management skills. It provides us with the latest information on current case drivers and daily customer issues.
I appreciate the manner in which they have consolidated all relevant cases onto a single Guru page. This organization facilitates a clearer understanding of the customer's issues for both advisors and support staff. The more one becomes accustomed to the knowledge within Guru, the greater the confidence one will have in addressing customer inquiries.
Certain context in the article is irrelevant, leading to confusion and difficulty in understanding for some customer support representatives.
My Guru Experience
Comentários: I enjoy reading through Guru and would honestly recommend it to colleagues and workmates.
It helps us get more information regarding the processes in order to deliver high quality service to our clients and process their requests efficiently. And I also like how easy it is to navigate on Guru, by just searching keywords and phrases that will help the case that we are working on.
It's not a dislike but room for improvement I guess, sometimes articles are not showing up when I search for keywords and it has to be the exact article page.
Key Insights of Guru
Comentários: Guru guides me through company processes and boosts my work efficiency with relevant information.
Guru is very hepful for reviewing processes, helping us retain knowledge and stay updated with procedures.
Guru's topic search needs improvement, as it sometimes suggests unrelated articles. Overall, it is clear and concise on processes.
Overall all, positive experience
Guru prioritises the domain I work in, and their algorithm gives me results focused on my domain first. Depending on search terms being used, then they provide what is most relevant to the term searched. Very often, this is a time saving exercise.
After multiple results pops up for the same keyword, I try to open a Guru Card that I think could be relevant. I try to filter the result by using CTRL + F, but the card functions as a pop up, so the machine still consider all the keywords on the Guru cards that I have not yet selected, meaning I can't always use CTRL + F to speed up the process of finding what I want
The Joy of using Guru
Comentários: My overall experience with Guru is definitely a positive one. This has to be the best knowledge based system I was able to use in my career. This has gave me a lot of convenience and joy at work knowing there's a reliable and trustworthy tool we can always use.
It's ease of use, very convenient and easy to navigate. It's allows us to save time and effective search for knowledge based information conveniently without the hassle.
While most of the things about Guru is definitely very helpful, user interface can be improved with better font system, But other than that, everything else looks absolutely incredible with Guru.
Top Productivity and Collaboration Tools
Comentários: We as users appreciate Guru’s ability to centralize information, making it easily accessible and searchable for team members. Guru generally provides responsive customer support and helpful documentation to assist users.
Guru stands out for its intuitive and user-friendly interface. It is accessible to all team members, regardless of their technical level, facilitating adoption and continuous use.
Guru relies heavily on internet connectivity, and offline access to knowledge cards and information is limited.
Makes our work very efficient.
Comentários: Guru is a really helpful and effective tool for getting all the details for Shopify merchant support. We can easily get information that we have to share with the merchant.
The AI search functionality allows us to find the information needed quickly, reducing the time spent searching through documents or asking colleagues for help.
While categorization is a strength, it can also be a limitation if not managed properly.
Guru Knows!
Comentários: Using Guru helps a lot to me most of the time as it is the one who provides knowledge in all the keywords that I am looking for. It is easy to use and provides real time answers.
What I like most about Guru, it gives me specific answers to the things that I am looking for. It is concise and provide easy way to guide you in all possible actions and resolutions.
What I like least about Guru, sometimes it is confusing as is it gives wider options for your actions and resolutions.