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Apache OpenOffice
Conheça Apache OpenOffice
Pacote aberto de produtividade que permite que empresas de todos os portes criem equações matemáticas, gerenciem bancos de dados, produzam cartas, apresentações multimídia, diagramas, ilustrações 3D e muito mais.
Quem usa Apache OpenOffice?
Pacote aberto de aplicativos de produtividade no local que fornece processador de texto, calculadora, painel multimídia, ferramentas de manipulação de dados, editor de equações e muito mais a empresas de todos os portes.
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Apache OpenOffice
Avaliações do Apache OpenOffice
Needed Free Office Software for Nonprofit - OpenOffice was great for my needs for years
Pior programa possível
Comentários: Fui obrigado a usar essa porcaria pela Microsoft, que em uma atualização simplesmente excluiu o programa que eu usava e colocou o OpernOffice como programa padrão. PERDI MESES DE TRABALHO por causa de um "Erro geral" do programa.
A nostalgia da interface, que te transporta para os anos 1990.
Lento, cheio de erros/bugs, interface pesada e confusa.

Bom Software
Bom programa como alternativa ao office da Microsoft.
Programa não muito intuitivo e com recursos mais fracos que a concorrência.

Opção económica
A possibilidade de utilizar varios programas de uma forma muito económica.
Ainda não disponibiliza certas ferramentas com a mesma qualidade que softwares pagos.

Razoável software
Software que tem como ponto forte o seu valor, muito económico ou mesmo grátis.
O seu ponto negativo é o facto de ficar a dever muito aos seu grandes concorrentes como o Offic_365. Deveriam apostas também em aplicativos para sistemas móveis.

Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
OpenOffice is a professional and Free option for Office Suite Software
Comentários: I first started using OpenOffice when working for a cash strapped non-for-profit. I recommended this as an alternative to the licensed software. I have never looked back. The only time I use licensed software (The big M) is when the organization I'm working for has purchased an enterprise license. I have used OpenOffice professionally for over 10 years!
OpenOffice is free and available to anyone. I can collaborate with someone that does not have access to licensed software or someone that does. This software can read, edit and store in their own file formats or the format of a very well known licensed software. I have used this software personally and in a work environment.
Every once in a while, some macros or PowerPoint features will not translate well. It has been a few years since I've encountered any translation issues, but some may still exist.
OpenOffice a Great License Free Choice
Comentários: Good. Its been stable and supports multi platforms
License Free and quite flexible and supports multi OS
Doesn't support later versions of Microsoft
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
A fine office suite for most, but honestly you might as well use LibreOffice instead
Works fine for the most part, but it's getting on in age, and honestly you're better off using LibreOffice - a spinoff of the OpenOffice project which is much more up to date.
Not compatible with high DPI screens, not compatible with MS Office .*x files
Goof free alternative to MS Office
Comentários: I've used it when i used linux, and have tried in Mac when looking for the best alternative to MS Office. It is better than Apples native document apps.
The fact that is free and robust. It feels more study than LibreOffice.
it still, after so many years, struggles with some formatting when working with MS Office documents.
Open Office: an open source oasis in a desert of corporate cash grab products
The vast array of capabilities while being free! I've used OpenOffice for years for multiple jobs for multiple companies. Open Office is extremely easy to use, and as I get older, easier to use because MicroSoft Word keeps changing and OpenOffice's UI remains as a "classic interface." Its easy to have multiple computers in the office use OO because of no licensing, and to be able to open and save in legacy formats to extremely useful. I worked at an office that used Apple Numbers and it was dreadful, so I convinced everyone to us OO, and everyone agreed it was the better move, and all of our files were compatible which made the switch much easier.
Nothing. And I mean that, there are no downsides to OpenOffice. Maybe only that not enough people are aware of it, but without it being a profit motivated program, that makes sense.
OpenOffice Calc is Very Unstable. Libreoffice never Crashes
I reiterate what all the other reviews say about OpenOffice. it is an amazing piece of software and it is open source and free I will never use word againThe only problem I have is that open Office is unstable. I used it on a daily basis for years up until a year ago and OpenOffice usually crashed two or three times a day losing my work.However there is an easy fix. A year ago I switched from OpenOffice to LibreOffice and I never looked back. LibreOffice is great. LiibreOffice is a forked version of OpenOffice but is much more stable. I have been using LibreOffice calc for over a year and never had a crash and I have some huge spreadsheets that I develop. The file formats are completely compatible between OpenOffice and LibreOffice so there is no problem switching. Just de-install OpenOffice and install LibreOffice on your computer.
The only problem I have is that open Office is unstable. I used it on a daily basis for years up until a year ago and OpenOffice usually crashed two or three times a day losing my work.However there is an easy fix. A year ago I switched from OpenOffice to LibreOffice and I never looked back. LibreOffice is great. LibreOffice is a forked version of OpenOffice but is much more stable. I have been using LibreOffice calc for over a year and never had a crash and I have some huge spreadsheets that I develop.
Your essential Software
Comentários: The software is almost perfect, it helps to manage a whole company, easy to understand. Secure, and practical for both large and small companies.
The easiest Software ever, I used to work on it everyday.
the data to be entered is unlimited so all the responsibility was on my shoulder plus the automatic correction is not available.
It's the top but it's not MicrosoftOffice
Comentários: I am very happy overall with using this program. It is a complete and lightweight program that allows you to do almost everything it promises
It's easy to download, it's a lighter program than those on the market
it is difficult to recover data, lost due to PC malfunction, not previously saved
an alternative to Office for free
Comentários: it's a good alternative and i have it installed in all my computers
i like that it's free to use and you don't need any subscription
some functions are not as developed as in office
Amazing Alternative to High Priced Options
Comentários: I have been using OpenOffice for years. It is a great alternative to Microsoft's Office Suite.
OpenOffice is Free, Functional, and has tons of Extensions
The User Manual can be a little difficult to use at times.
Good, free option offering a complete office suite
Comentários: A good option overall, and its price point (free) is a huge advantage.
OpenOffice being completely free is its main advantage. It offers a decent office suite with a good range of features. Common filetypes (ie: MS Office) can be opened / edited too, which is great.
The only real negative is that it feels somewhat slower / harder to use than MS Office.
Apache OpenOffice - The best productivity
Comentários: Excelent experience, for me Apache OpenOffice is the best alternative to Microsoft Office
Easy and quick to use, easy and fast installation
Sometimes the compatibility with complex microsoft office files is difficult
Why do I prefer Apache OpenOffice
Comentários: I have not ran into problems. Apache allows you to save in many formats and reads many formats. I have not ran into files it won't read. My main concern was .doc, .docx, .xls or their newer .xlsx. It reads and saves if you need those extensions.
It reads everything, it's fast, and fewer errors than others. I have a legal MS Office copy but I prefer to stay with Apache. It does everything I need. I am going to write my next book on Apache.
I believe the cons are always space on the drive. But the space others require are larger or more entangled in the drive. So I would say I do not have any other problems except publishers of books needing MS Word documents. My last book was .odt. That was a problem for formatting but you can convert .odt to .docx.

Novels in Open Office
Comentários: I write good business letters; often for other people; sometimes a printed letter gets more attention than an email. The envelopes, formatted and printed in Open Office, are proper business envelopes. At a time when we are working more from home more, Open Office is a sensible alternative to expensive word processing, and spreadsheet programs. I do my company books with an Open Office spreadsheet that I designed myself. It calculates income, expenses, sales and income taxes etc. as I go. When it's time to do taxes, the numbers are all there at the bottom.
I use Open Office for at least three hours every day—usually six. It is my go to word processor. I've written two novels and a collection of short stories with it. I was easily able to format and style the layout for the paperback and eBook files, so they conformed perfectly to Amazon's publishing requirements. Most folks don't know this is possible so they farm it out and pay dearly. I didn't rate the support category above because I have never had to use it. Open Office works fine all the time. It's totally reliable and at a cost 100% less than MS Word.
Figuring out how to do headers and footers on alternating pages was a bit of a brain buster, but I got it. I'm sure it could be more intuitive.
Apache OpenOffice, you're my main squeeze.
Comentários: Absolutely phenomenal software. I don't know where I'd be without it. It is not at all dramatic to admit this software changed my life.
I wouldn't even know where to begin. I've been using (did I say using? I mean in love with) this software for over 12 years. You can create ANYTHING with it. I've landed jobs from creating resumes with this app, wowed fellow creators with artistic documents, made myself calendars and fitness goals lists with all the fancy fonts and borders, and even one classy and sassy resignation letter to a former employer of questionable morals. This software has been the backbone of my progress for so long. Tons of features, easy to navigate, and doesn't slow down your system. Standing Ovation.
The word con has no place with OpenOffice. This software is incredible. I do wish it would not let microsoft word open up my unfinished-and-saved-for-later documents, which I know is just an issue with my PC and not Open Office. Still, it would be great to see it push Microsoft out of the way just once and make it known which one I'm loyal to.

Best Productivity Application and Alternate to Micrososoft
Comentários: Apache OpenOffice is really helping me in my business. It is saving us from everyday licensing issues of microsoft. This software is really complete peace of mind.
I liked OpenOffice software because it fulfills all aspects of productivity applications. This is free of cost software provided by Apache foundation. Apache have provided software setup so that this software is easily getting installed on PC/Laptop. The software is compatible with microsoft office files and you can easily open/edit files microsoft files. OpenOffice is complete suite of office application which includes spreadsheet, word-processor, slides presentation applications and other important tools also. I liked its interoperability feature so that its files are easily supported across various platforms. I appreciate Apache Foundation for making such hassle free software which is giving benefits to masses.
I am using Microsoft Office applications since a long so i am habitual to save files in Microsoft format like .docx,doc, .xlsx,xls, .pptx.ptt etc but while i save files in open-office, it b defaullt takes .ods/.ots/.odp format which sometime creates confusion and i have to save them in microsoft format so that while sharing to others they can easily understand that.

A decent alternative to Microsoft if required
Comentários: I like it. I tend to use Office myself but that's mostly because it is what is provided. I use OpenOffice occasionally just to keep me up to date with it so I can help students that are using it but this has meant that, with familiarity, I've reached the point where if I were paying the bill myself, I would absolutely look into deploying OpenOffice in my workplace.
The thing I like most about this product is probably the price. It's free and works well. Outside of this though I really like the development that has gone into OpenOffice. When it started out it was hideous, limited and buggy. More importantly compatibility with Office programs (e.g. Word and Excel) was incredibly iffy and lagged behind each update. There was very little reason to use OpenOffice aside from the price. Nowadays it still doesn't look great (it's better though!) but it's such an improved experience in terms of the rest of those issues. For example Writer does everything most will want from Word and I actually prefer the way that it handles pasting images and formatting tables. There are now legitimate reasons to choose OpenOffice in terms of the programs on offer, and if opensource is appealing then I'd recommend it as the default work-suite.
OpenOffice suffers the same issues as most opensource software. It is written by people that have a very good understanding of coding and perhaps are not as good at UI or understanding how to ease relatively new users into an experience that differs to Word. OpenOffice generally works on the function over form approach and so the best that can be said of most of the offerings within is that they are "not hideous anymore" The UI is both stark in aesthetic and a little merciless for newcomers though; options are packed in and occasionally something requires a little more "under the hood" work to get going (e.g. getting the default list of recent documents to be longer can be a bit of a chore)

Great free Open source Office productivity tool.
Comentários: not bad and it works, a great free open source alternative to Microsoft Office, but less stable than LibreOffice.
OpenOffice was the only choice for a good alternative to Microsoft Office until the project got acquired by Oracle who later donated the project to Apache, then project got forked into LibreOffice. which turned to be a bigger project much widely used and more reliable. I like LibreOffice as it's more reliable and stable compare to OpenOffice. but the two are still almost the same very similar in the functions and tools which include the following : OpenOffice Writer, OpenOffice Calc, OpenOffice Impress, OpenOffice Draw, OpenOffice Base, OpenOffice Math.
a little slow compared to LibreOffice, and a little buggy. development is also very slow.

The Best Free Alternative To The Microsoft Office Suite
This was before everything changed to Office 365, M 365, etc. I stumbled on this software by accident. There are a few features that benefitted me, including creating .pdf files. This software additionally has some stock photos that are great. You'll find some commands that are different in Apache, but overall it's a wonderful suite to use when there are times you're on a budget.
Depending on which software program related to the Microsoft Office Suite you use, be ready to a lot of re-formatting. It can be time consuming, but make sure to as much as possible save your files in .pdf format.

Apache Open Office is best free office suite
Comentários: I am saving on licensing cost by using free office suite by Apache with a freedom to choose any operating system of my choice.
Most importantly, it's free and opensource. It is very easy to use and to switch from other office suite. It is available to use on various operating systems. I got freedom to choose any operating system of my choice for my daily office works. It consumes low disk space in comparison to other similar software. No licensing required. Support almost all popular file formats.
In my throughout experience of using Apache Open Office, I didn't experienced any issue except file format support for new Microsoft Office file formats like DOCx, XLSx and PPTx.
Office Suite that's free and robust!!!
Comentários: My overall experience was great compared to what you are getting in an office suite that's completely free to use. I was blown away by the features it offers as what would costs hundreds of dollars going with a competitive office suite.
The things that i like about Apace OpenOffice is the community behind the open source software applications, the amount of feature rich the suite is and costs nothing to install on a computer. The suite has improved alot throughout the years and was very impressed with the amount of features it has that Microsoft Office has. Its very close to the competition and it will keep improving in the near future.
The user interface hasn't changed much in OpenOffice and i feel like something has to be done. Its way too dated compared to the much more modern style ribbon designed that's widely used in office suites these days.