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Google Alerts
Conheça Google Alerts
Solução de inteligência competitiva baseada na nuvem que permite às empresas receber alertas por meio de notificações em caso de alterações de conteúdo.
Quem usa Google Alerts?
Solução de inteligência competitiva que ajuda empresas de todos os tamanhos a receber alertas ou notificações em caso de alterações em várias páginas ou plataformas da internet com base em itens de pesquisa.
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Google Alerts
Avaliações do Google Alerts
Alerts are IMPORTANT to Business!
Avaliado Google Alerts
Comentários: No geral tem sido uma excelente experiência com o software.
Uma das coisas que mais me agradou como usuária do Google Alerts foi a simplicidade ao personalizar os alertas de acordo com meus interesses específicos. É muito conveniente receber notificações por e-mail sobre notícias, atualizações e menções relacionadas aos assuntos que me interessam, o que me mantém informada e atualizada sobre temas relevantes. Além disso, a interface do Google Alerts é intuitiva e fácil de usar, tornando a experiência ainda mais agradável.
Acho que uma das coisas que menos gosto é a falta de controle sobre a quantidade de resultados que recebo.
Recurso muito bom
Facilidade em receber alertas a qualquer momento.
Talvez a interface poderia melhorar com um algo mais completo ao ao aparecer os alertas.
Avaliação do google alerts - alertas do google
Comentários: Gosto da ferramenta, é bem construída e útil. Estou satisfeita.
Gostei que o google alertas facilita o mecanismo de pesquisa e me poupa tempo.
Nõa existe nada para eu mencionar de insatisfação, mas no inicio tive um pouco de dificuldades de aprender usar o programa.
Andre Google alerts
Comentários: Experiência muito boa porque você sempre se atualizando.
Muito fácil de usar, bem integrado e simples de acessar.
No geral não tenho do que reclamar, esporadicamente aparece algo que noa procurei mas no geral é muito bom
Google alerts
Comentários: Sempre que encontro um termo pesquisado, posso fazer o alerta por e-mail
Os meios que e utilizado para alertar o usuário
Só o travamento, e os bugs que as vezes dava no aplicativo
Avaliação de software Google Alertas
Comentários: Em geral trata-se de um software satisfatório e de boa funcionalidade.
Gosto da praticidade e comodidade que trás a minha vida, além de ser fácil de mexer e muito útil no dia a dia.
Não tenho críticas perante esse software.
Perfeito para acompanhar possíveis feedbacks publicados
Comentários: O maior benefício é poder acompanhar possíveis feedbacks publicados em blogs, canais, que não encontraria se não fosse pelo alerta que o Google envia.
A facilidade que o Google Alerts oferece é um dos seus maiores pontos positivos
Os e-mails poderiam ter uma frequência pré-definida. A impressão é que chegam ao acaso, poderia ser um relatório semanal.

Alertas para acompanhar o conteúdo que realmente interessa
Eu gosto de receber os alertas dos temas que sigo afim de manter-me informado sobre tudo que preciso saber.
Não tenho idéia do que posso achar um contra deste recurso. Me ajuda. Talvez a categorização e temas das notícias ser mais amplo, variado.
Alertas google
Comentários: Ajuda a realizar as vendas.
Fácil de usar, auto instrutivo e com boa dinâmica.
As vezes ocorre alguns bugs, no mais é bom.
Muito bom
Comentários: Me passa segurança e avisa quando algo está errado
Produto fácil de usar, tem uns interpretação boa para entender.
Seria bom ter um aplicativo, para facilitar o acesso

Comentários: Excellent. Alerts and notifications is something that we should use to use everyday in every company.
This is one of those products that you should use in your company. SUPER essential.
Nothing, i really think it's all ok with it
If You're Not Using Google Alerts You're Missing Out
Comentários: It's great for researching, watching trends and hunting for content ideas, but it can become too much. Finding out what is being said about your own brand anywhere saves a ton of time and allows you to see which industries are aligning with your message or if there's an opportunity to collaborate.
I can set it and forget my alerts for market updates in a variety of industries. Getting all this information would take months to obtain. I can decide if I want to find out more information from the list it provides or not.
There's too many and it can become overwhelming. It is wise to set it up where you get weekly alerts because it can clutter up your inbox really quickly. I haven't seen the option where I can really exactly what I want to see. I would like to see more tailored options for alerts.
Awesome - save time
Comentários: Nice and satisfying, I check my email daily, to give ample time to catch up on all the latest on topics of interest.
What I like most about this program is the time it takes to collect all the posts on a topic (of interest to me).
The accuracy of the results is not as it should be, as sometimes the results are far from (the designated topic).
Google Alerts
Comentários: Overall google alerts provide a quick way to be notified on products needed.
It is a nice way to get notified via email through Google Alerts.
Sometimes it can get to be a lot when receiving a lot of alerts.
Google alerts is an absolutely important aspect of running a website
Comentários: I have had an awesome experience with Google alerts. I would recommend it to anyone trying to keep their website organized with minimal time and dedication.
I enjoy having the monitoring on my website. I like the fact that there's an email sent for every separate business transaction or inquiry as well.
I thought that Google alerts would have a longer free trial period originally.
The Best Alerts
Comentários: I have had the best experience with Google Alerts I like knowning that I am protected and dot have to worry about hackers tryna get into my account.
The most important thing that I love about Google Alerts is that, I get all alerts it could be a simple alert for anything. or an ad that pops up. or alerts that someone has tried to log into your Google account from an unknown device. i advise for the 2 step login.
The only issue that I have with Google is that if you dont know your password or dont have the 2 step verification then it wont work.
Google Alerts is another great product by the best Company in Computer out there!!
Comentários: Google is and probably will continue to be the most outstanding company in the computer world. Love, Love, Love, their Products!!!
I get the results I need when I want them!!! No problems, it just works!
Any accidently added alert is my absolute pet peeve!
Google Alerts
Ease of set up and use of Google Alerts
Sometimes the alerts can be distracting and annoying
Google Alerts to keep you in-the-know
It's easy to set up and you can be very specific.
It's a great service. Nothing bad to note.
Google Alert for important information update
Comentários: Google alerts highly help in getting alerts, as we need. It highly helps with homework and other important news, which we need to get on an everyday basis.
Google Alert helps in getting timely alerts, in a busy life. All important updates and alerts come right to our email as we set.
I wish they had a timer to set a specific time to set an alert, as we might miss the alert in a mailbox, if it has a time-specific alert, then it helps the user to check the alert at their available time.
This is best for giving me new topics for my blog
Comentários: It gives me new content topics daily so that I get new ideas to post content on my blog and work with it daily. google alerts help my blog grow
Google Alerts is the best, it gives me news of new content daily, which I want, the best thing is that its alert comes at the same time when we want it.
The rest is fine Google Alerts, but sometimes it works in such a way that we want only blog content alerts, but videos are also included in it, due to which we also get confused.
Great way to keep a pulse on your brand
Easy to set up, alerts come right in your inbox
Would be nice if it could pull from other platforms
Effective alerts for website monitoring
Google Alerts is very helpful for web monitoring in terms of finding specific keywords and easy to set up.
The notifications can be a little repetitive or unnecessary at times if not refined enough.
Best Notification App
Comentários: My overall experience on the scale of 5 is 4. I'm loving this application.
Google alert is very useful in getting notified about various topic. It send the alert quickly and the information is also accurate.
Till date i havnt found anything. I'm mostly loving it.
Excellent and highly recommended product. really useful in use.
Comentários: My overall experience with Google Allergy has been very impressive because people are informed by the use of this app. I am sure that Google Allergy will improve more in the future.
The program was excellent, and because it is interactive, it informs users of upgrades.
I think we should send Pop-ups for the users because people are lazy to open their e-mails. They should change more colors and the make it more fun to use.