18 anos ajudando empresas
a escolher o melhor software
Conheça Veryon Tracking+
O ENVISION é um software líder do setor em manutenção, reparo e suprimentos operacionais (MRO na sigla em inglês) e operações de voo. Com mais de 100 clientes em todo o mundo e uma frota combinada de 2.000 aeronaves de asa fixa e rotativa, o ENVISION é usado por operadores de aeronaves e MROs para gerenciar com sucesso suas operações.
Baseado na Internet e independente de dispositivo, o ENVISION possui uma interface intuitiva e fácil de usar com módulos que podem ser adquiridos individualmente ou como parte de uma solução integrada.
Quem usa Veryon Tracking+?
O ENVISION é usado por operadores de manutenção, reparo e suprimentos operacionais (MRO na sigla em inglês) de aeronaves em todo o mundo para gerenciar aeronaves de asa fixa e rotativa.
Onde o Veryon Tracking+ pode ser implantado?
Sobre o fornecedor
- Veryon
- Localizado em Bonita Springs, EUA
- Fundado em 2003
Suporte do Veryon Tracking+
- Suporte por telefone
- Assistência 24/7
- Bate-papo
Preço do Veryon Tracking+
Preço inicial:
- Sem versão de teste gratuito
- Sem versão grátis
O Veryon Tracking+ não possui versão gratuita nem versão de teste grátis. Versão paga do Veryon Tracking+ a partir de US$ 1.000,00/mês.
Sobre o fornecedor
- Veryon
- Localizado em Bonita Springs, EUA
- Fundado em 2003
Suporte do Veryon Tracking+
- Suporte por telefone
- Assistência 24/7
- Bate-papo
Vídeos e imagens do Veryon Tracking+

Recursos do Veryon Tracking+
Avaliações do Veryon Tracking+
Envision use at Rusada Envision
I have been involved in 2 implementations of this software at 2 companies. The first company was a larger MRO and it was implemented in 9 months. Aerocare is smaller and as we had a lot of employees with user knowledge of Envision this enabled the implementation timescale to be reduced to 3 months.
Aerocare previously used another piece of software and it was an easy decision to move to Envision that provides the flexibility and expedience that is required in our industry.
The software provides all of the functionality necessary to successfully run the day to day business. It provides accurate parts traceability, outside service provisions, and labour bookings.
The help files could do with updating, and be maintained in line with the version upgrades.
Envision software experience after 4 years of use
Comentários: Envision have helped us to maintain aviation standards, working with tools that are accepted from different O&G customers.
Perfectly designed for MRO and Operators, all scenarios are covered, modules of logistics, maintenance, operations and tech records have the right tools to perform aircraft maintenance and administrate any type of aircraft fleet. Performance, the software runs fast, no matter quantity of concurrent users (we have up to 40 concurrent users). Easy integration with other apps, using the middleware we can transfer Envision information to other systems like SAP. Customers recognition, Aviation Advisors from different Oil and Gas companies who have audited the company trusts that information managed with Envision complies with standards.
Information exported to excel from native reports can be optimized to allow filtering in excel. Envision could have a customized reporting tool available for end users.
Easy to use Airworthiness Management
Comentários: I'v been using envision for 5 years & when my company phased out envision we were using V 1.9. We have phased out envision due to Airlines number of fleet was increasing and we needs a more automated software to support our daily & long term requirements.
Envision is an Easy to use Airworthiness Management software that can handle complex activities. Has an user friendly interface.It has separate modules for department wise related functions & all modules are integrated using data inputs by individual departments.
software does not have an inbuilt module for auto updating of flight hours and cycles from fleet live time view client. Most of the data inputs has to be manually updated by users and large complex data input can take a long time since software do not have have a XML,CSV data feed options. CAMO & MRO functions require lots of report generations due to fast moving industry requirements and customized report generation requires Rusada admin support & it takes lot of time and effort for a successful end report.
Optimizing with the ENVISION system
Comentários: It is a system that adapts to the demands that the company implements, most of its processes are repetitive and easy for the user, but just as it has other somewhat complex ones, I would recommend expanding the user manual a little more in detail, for a better understanding, personally the system makes me very practical, some details to be resolved, but most of it fulfills the function for which it was designed
It is a system that centralizes all the areas that interfere in the aviation industry, its core consists of optimizing the maintenance control of the aircraft, and allows the user to streamline the processes to carry out their tasks. In the warehouse area, it allows an almost optimal control of the components, tools and consumables, allowing the user a quick and easy location.
The system as such is not yet 100% optimal, due to many bugs, they require launching a version update to be able to solve these details.
Very good system to follow your fleet
Product is really easy to use, very user friendly and flexible.
All the events are linked to a journey, to get the counters, which is good, but in some cases, such non applicable tasks or components installed before the airline operation, you need to have a full history of journeys to have the right picture.
I like it but experience is needed
Comentários: The best tool that I have used for the control and planning of helicopter maintenance, its functions and options are many and the flexibility in its use is quite good, I consider that experience in similar tools is required to be able to work in Envision effectively.
The functions and options that can be configured to suit the user, this helps me to have better control of my activities and make the most of this tool.
The technical support has left me a bit to be desired, some queries are not answered with the expected speed or quality, the updates are not always in favor of the user and that is something that affects the productivity of work with this tool.
Techncial Stores - RAL Enterprise User Client Version 1.11
What I need to know on our current version is ok for me as I'm not a constant user, sometimes I have to be reminded on certain parts of RAL (1.11) especially if I am away on maintenance.
Some parts of RAL Enterprise (1.11) are long winded so to speak and are un-reversible if you make an error/mistake.
I think that this product is good for the job that I do, in my case reliability
Comentários: This is my first experience using this software, in my opinion is a frindly software but like I wrote is is neccessary to adjust ii to our needs
Is very friendly in its use, I can find the minimum information that I need, but it is neccessary some changes for having complete information
We nned more information in some screens, it is neccessary to adjust some things to our needs
Im not a primary user but involved in support calls and I find the Rusada team very helpful and responsive to my teams feedback and product enhancements.
As I'm not a direct user I can not answer this question.
product for improvement
Comentários: El software es una buena plataforma que nos ayuda concentrar las actividades de todas las areas, pero le falta desarrollo
The software adapts to your needs and interact with various areas
what I don't like about the software is that it is not friendly, it lacks icons that indicate quick actions