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Ferramenta de reparo automotivo que fornece solução no computador através de navegação mais rápida e melhor pesquisa.
Quem usa ALLDATA?
Solução de diagnóstico automotivo para o setor automobilístico que oferece reparo de dados e assistência técnica.
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Avaliações do ALLDATA

Repair guide for just about anything
I am not a mechanic. I am an IT manager for an auto dealership, and even I can figure out how to navigate my way into the repair manual for my Ford Focus. The diagrams are easy to read, part numbers are labeled, and electronic wiring diagrams are well laid out. The website is quick and responsive so that you don't sit and wait for something to load. It's a very worthwhile investment.
I have had a couple mechanics wish for the diagrams to have the ability to 3D rotate them so that they can see how things are laid out from a different angle. I have also not been able to find the repair manual for a DeLorean. I was hoping to locate the instructions for the Flux Capacitor.
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Long Time All Data Users recommends product.
Comentários: I have used AllData for almost twenty years. I will not use a different product and this is my go to product for labor times, part names and numbers, and for repair procedure. This is a good value product and I would not have a shop and not use All Data.
All Data for me is much easier to use then competing products. I much prefer AllData to the competing product starting with a M. When you can't find what you are looking for you can call up All Data support and they will find and fax to you the information you are looking for. All Data is reasonably priced and the support is excellent.
I am so use to All Data that I don't have any major complaints. Occassionally I can' find the repair information or labor times I am looking for but this is true of every other product as well. I find they have excellent support when that happens.
alldata flaws
Comentários: fair. tech support is very good .but i can't keep calling tech support for simple problems ( too much time wasted)
the parts locating system.especially when i'm looking for a hard to find part that i was'nt able to find on other sysyems
i find their estimating portion is terrible. they tried to sell me an upgrade estimating program ( more money) & i found it to be useless& cancelled the free trial after 2 days use. also most repair programs offer licence plate to vin & car make & model. funny part is they are owned by autozone which utilizes this function.& when i questioned them prior to purchasing this product they said it will be available shortly.seven months later still no upgrade
Worth checking out
Comentários: Although the prices kept going up the software had a lot to offer. Estimating and invoicing all in one.
This is software for Auto Repair shops. I love the fact you can look up step by step instructions on how to do a repair.
I didn't like the price of the software.
Critical for any independent shop
Comentários: We have used Alldata to rate our repairs for going on 10 years
Name recognition, ease of use, reputation.
We have no complaints about our experience with Alldata
Dishonest sales people and poor customer service
Comentários: This is the worst experience i have had with online service. These people make you sign up and try their product by saying check it for 3 months if you do not like you cancel it. Once you call back they do not return calls. When you ask for cancelation they tell you they have contract with you. This company is worst company than mobile providers. Please take my word do not use this product. Mitchell is way better and easy to use. This the worst customer service i have ever seen in years. This company is fraud and be aware of sales people.
There is not much to like with this software
Wiring diagrams for lot of vehicle not easy to use
All data review
Comentários: I have lots of experience with all data and it has made being a service advisor much simpler.
All data is very easy to use and allows anyone in the automotive industry to look up parts, labor time, and removal and replacement processes.
I have not had any problems with this program. It is something I believe all dealers should use in their service departments.
Alldata is awesome
Comentários: Im 100 percent satisfied through all the years ive used it
I love all the wiring schematics that saves my life.
There are not any cons, if I need to trace some wiring or how a part is installed im covered.
What i liked most about alldata was how easy it was to get help with any unsure problems
so far no cans have been found. SO FAR SO GOOD
Alldata for all shop needs
Creating estimates is simple and easy to locate the options to add.
Overall great system to use but would like lower cost of use.
Widely Used
Comentários: Overall my experience has been great, we have not had outages which is very important, time is money and ALLDATA saves time!
Alldata is part of our shops point of sale software so it made it the obvious choice. It is easy to use and if you have worked at a shop you have probably used it so it makes training new employees on it easy.
I currently do not have any complaints about ALLDATA, so far all of the techs who have used it are happy with it.
Alldata is good resource.
Comentários: I have used it for many years, it is a great resource. I use it a lot to find specs on oil and torque values
You can put in VIN and the car comes up and you can find out where you need to go.
Sometimes a vehicle does not have any specs.
AUto Repair Information
Comentários: The new Alldata Repair is a HUGE improvement over the original & S3000. Yes it has color wiring diagrams. Everyone has THAT now. But with Alldata when you "click" on a wire in a circuit, it not only highlights that wire throught the whole circuit, it opens up ALL the other pages that wire is on. So you can print the WHOLE circuit without searching thru multiple windows. The user interface is different than S3000 and classic AllData Pro, but still has that same familiar feel. However the global search FINALLY works! In short I am really loving the newest version
The new Alldata Repair is a HUGE improvement over the original & S3000. Yes it has color wiring diagrams. Everyone has THAT now. But with Alldata when you "click" on a wire in a circuit, it not only highlights that wire throught the whole circuit, it opens up ALL the other pages that wire is on. So you can print the WHOLE circuit without searching thru multiple windows. The user interface is different than S3000 and classic AllData Pro, but still has that same familiar feel. However the global search FINALLY works! In shorrt I am really loving the newest version.
There was a short learning curve. Once I figured out to use the text box to let autofill take me where I wanted,.....
Getting better every year
Comentários: I find that you either love it or hate. I find it to be sufficient for what we need to do but at times it is found that labor times used will end up costing us labor hours due to the lower than normal posted times in the labor guide. However, the how to's and diagnosis help is great.
Ease of use, lay out and search options. Very easy to look up even complicated labor times and procedures.
Inconsistent labor times. We sometimes use a different labor guide because we find the labor times listed sometimes reflect only the warranty time and not the cash rate which is frustrating because some jobs can have a variance of 4-5 hours between alldata and the labor guides we have available to us. This is the case with most model year vehicles that have no been out for a minimum of 3+ years (i.e 2018 model vehicles have little to no labor ref right now on the platform)
Works Well For Our Shop
Comentários: It really helps when you are in a bind and need to figure something out.
I like the estimates it gives so we can give a customer a quick estimate.
Sometimes there just isn't enough information

Alldata Works
Comentários: We use Alldata everyday to compliment our service repair business. Save valuable time and effort. Easy to use and search bulletins.
Ease of use web based
Carsons Auto LLC
Comentários: It worked good for what we needed at the time
It is easy to use on most applications..
There are several labor times that are not accurate
Alldata is a must have
Comentários: It is truly a must have for any automotive shop, it has great customer service and most techs destetadera how to use it
I really like Alldata for the immediate information it offers on just about every vehicle repair and parts. It is very informative.
There are time when looking up a vehicle for a labor rate and time, it does not offer an easy find and often you have to be more than a service writer to interprete the information
one of the best tools if you own a repair facility
Comentários: Being able to quickly access a hug database of everything i need to know to do repairs on any make and model without having to waste time looking through a book or using trial and error
I love the deitailed step by step instruction it gives you to do anything from replacing brake calipers to full engine rebuilds. it gives you torque specs, fluid and capacity specs as well as speciality tools and procedures
some of the exploded diagram pictures are blurry or hard to understand. not all information is avaliable on every part of a vehicle. it doesnt have newest car information
a must in the automotive industry for estimating and fault finding . no professiona shop can exist w
we love the new version of alldata online as it is easier to search faults and wiring has been added in color.
i cant stand the customer service for the manage part,very uneducated on their product and they have not been updating it.
Endless information of vehicles
Super easy to navigate
The software is always up to date. Electrical wiring diagram excellent and color coded
When internet goes down no service. Buts it’s not there fault it’s isp
do not use this bad product
Comentários: I paid them for over 20 years They tried to overcharge me at end of service
I knew how to use it because I had it for so long
They charged too much after identafix came out
Makes vehicle repair easier for both techs and owner/operator
Instructional guidance is key to getting a car in and out for problematic diagnosis but that is where Alldata shines. Torque specs, fluid types and capacities, electric system flowcharts and schematics , just to name a few, all lend a hand to repair and Alldata has it.
Great software but expensive for us small shop operators..electrical schematics, while great to have for tracing wiring harnesses, are more "factory detailed" and can get a bit tricky to navigate sometimes. Some newer vehicles are also difficult to find info for on Alldata, but that could be vehicle manufacture fault of non info releasement.
youtube has more info. never has anything useful
Comentários: none
poorly maintained softwhere. ive never used anything more usless.
- never up to date - only has ovious information - never has importhan info
Decent amount of information
Comentários: Need diagrams, labor times etc. A must have in Automotive repair world.
Easy to use. Has invoicing set up that works well. Easy navigation for looking up wiring diagrams etc. Can print and save. Pretty much a nessacary tool for any repair shop.
Not enough info on certain makes of vehicles. Leaves one scratching his or her head. Has plenty of older car info. European car info seems to be a challenge.