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Conheça Maptitude
O software de mapeamento e SIG Maptitude oferece ferramentas, mapas e dados para analisar e entender como a geografia afeta você e sua empresa. O Maptitude é um software de mapeamento com vários recursos e baixo custo. Projetado para visualização de dados e análise geográfica, o Maptitude vem com uma biblioteca de mapas do país e do mundo, incluindo mapas de ruas, dados demográficos e fronteiras dos EUA (como setores censitários e códigos postais).
Quem usa Maptitude?
Bancos Empresa Dados de censo Imóveis SIG corporativo Mapeamento de franquias SIG Saúde Seguros Alternativa ao MapPoint Mapeamento de vendas e marketing Mapeamento de territórios
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Avaliações do Maptitude
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Maptitude's ability to use my data for analysis and visualisation it is phenomenal.
I use Maptitude to conduct drive time analysis and calculate the optimal sequence of serving key locations. This has helped to reduce my dead kilometre cost but also has the added benefit of being able to provide drivers with instructions in the form of left and rights and maps.
I use it to extract and analyse demographics for an area I will be serving to understand the makeup of my customers. I create selection sets to apply my analysis on only the set of data I'm interested at that moment.
I create heatmaps that shows public transit safety aspects such as accident hot spots, driver abuse from customers etc.
One of the interesting case studies I did not long ago was to map all the bus stops we serve and also all public toilets that are within walking distance to the bus stops. This helped my drivers to know where they can have a biological break if they need to during their journey.
Whenever I need to analyse my data and represent it visually I always go to Maptitude. The software is a GIS that can import, covert and export Google Earth, OpenStreetMap, Esri Shape, MapInfo, GPS, AutoCAD, Excel, Text etc. I've been using Maptitude for more than 13 years and bar TransCad (Caliper Corporations Public Transit Modelling Solution), there is no other GIS software that delivers like this!
I've compared Maptitude to many other solutions and can honestly say there is no major dislike that I have. If I'm really critical I'd say probably that the Caliper brand name appears on the bottom of the maps I produce (very small), and I'd like to keep secret how I am able to do what I do.
Resposta do Caliper
há 5 anos
Thank you for the feedback on Maptitude mapping software!
Alternativas consideradas anteriormente:
Most Powerful Mapping Tool in Our Arsenal
Comentários: We have been using Maptitude to show retailers, dealers, and manufacturers their Total Available Markets based on our product forecasts. Once we load our forecasts, dealer locations, housing starts and other demographics, we are able to show where potential new business can be won. Maptitude has allowed us to better display our insights beyond the usual charts and tables.
Maptitude provides great details of geographies along with demographics and economic variables at all the hierarchies we need. It is the best mapping tool we have and is so much better than some of the big data software packages we have used. We use maps from Maptitude for our reporting and analytics and clients are excited about how much detail we can give them.
It takes a little bit to understand but once you get it the tasks become easier. Our team wishes we could incorporate maps into other online data systems like Big Query or Tableau.
Great value!
Comentários: Maptitude comes with a wealth of data at an unbelievably inexpensive price. The Australian data, with which I'm most familiar, if bought separately from other sources, would run into the thousands of dollars and I am stunned at the value for money. Please don't think that value for money has compromised functionality or capability! Maptitude has a wealth of analytical features that satisfy my ongoing needs in the area of demographic analysis. Regular in the business/demographic sphere include thematic mapping, route planning, territory design, trade area analysis and location/allocation modelling. A critical area is output and Maptitude has this covered with the ability to produce good quality maps of any size, a wide range of graphics formats and also Kmz/kml output for Google Earth. If there is one criticism, it's that the you can't produce a visual legend for Google Earth and if the exported geographic features have too many points, then they simply won't appear in Google Earth..a point reduction function would be very useful. On the negative side. It is a slightly dated looking package, reminding one of the Windows XP software and it's annoying that you only merge two geographic features at a time, a definite disadvantage if you need to merge data from a variety of sources into one geographic layer. It makes it a bit fiddly. This is not a package just for the professional, full time user. A newbie will find the package relatively easy to learn and the software site comes with a series of tutorials that will allow you to transition from newbie to effective novice relatively easily. That's given us the confidence to recommend Maptitude to non-GIS users such as sales managers, database analysts, franchise managers, advertising planners, retailers and merchandisers. All in all, value for money, good quality output, a wealth of data and functionality and easy to use.
Data Analyst
Comentários: It is an easy tool to work on. Staffings are wonderful; they are always going extra miles to provide supports as needed. Love it.
Easy following instruction when create multiple routes from 1 destination.
Street names disappear on the map when zoom in. Do not show a full contents of Streets from Departure to Destination when print or export to Excel.
Resposta do Caliper
há 4 semanas
Thank you for the feedback! We are so glad that you have had a positive experience with Maptitude. A Support Engineer will reach out about the street issues.
Daily user
Comentários: Use it almost daily to create attractive and meaningful content for strategic planning
Easy interface, deep data layer availability
Upgrade process difficult with our company firewall
Resposta do Caliper
mês passado
Thanks for the glowing review! We have other download methods for the software if you are encountering difficulties. Please contact [email protected].